位置:Boston, 天氣: 晴!!! 可是零下17度, 冷死了!!!!
昨天晚上, 朋友們為了幫我慶生, 辛辛苦苦的等到半夜, 我的生日到了之後才去睡覺. 大家大聲尖叫然後都跟我hug或了之後才去睡. 後來在廁所的時候刷牙洗臉正好碰上Allie, 打了一翻水仗後快快樂樂的去睡覺.
早上第一節課是SMG (Officially School of Management, but aka Sex, Money, and Greed/School of Money Grabbers) 的SM299, 是任何想要在SMG上課的人都需要修的入門課. 幸好今天的lecture是講business communications, 讓我舒舒服服的睡了一翻懶覺. (PS, 上一個in class writing assignment 我拿了全班最高分的85分!! 哈哈) 然後去我intern的radio show "It's Not Radio If You Like It", 很開心, 因為我的DJ為我放了一堆生日快樂的歌, 然後又一直說今天是A, 然後我放了很多歌, 又有在air上面講話! 去找Communication的教授, 他給我的essay一個extention, 春假後才要交!! 今天真的還蠻順暢的.
後來Jess說我們出去玩吧, 然後他就給我了一張紙, 上面有很多空白的地方...原來我室友Aanch跟朋友Shubha給我設計了一個Treasure Hunt!!! 然後是Jess陪著我到處去找clues的.
____1____ ____2____ _____3_____ your ____4____ ______5_____ for _____6____, when _____7______ has always been in your ____8____! _____-y!!
1. Your name --> Yu
For the next clue:
Campus Convenience is very convenient. What would Jess and Allie's mice buy?
Answer: ____9____
答案是Cheese! 所以Jess給我下一個clue: If you bought the cheese, you would have ___3___ money on it. Answer: spent
____1____ ____2____ _____3_____ your ____4____ ______5_____ for _____6____, when _____7______ has always been in your ____8____! _____-y!!
1. Your name --> Yu
For the next clue:
Campus Convenience is very convenient. What would Jess and Allie's mice buy?
Answer: ____9____
答案是Cheese! 所以Jess給我下一個clue: If you bought the cheese, you would have ___3___ money on it. Answer: spent
For the next clue: Parties every Thursday night where Tokyo Police Club played. 所以我們去了BU Central, 可是clue不見了, 所以Jess打電話給他們問clue. GSU is at the ____8____ of BU Campus. Answer: Heart. Clue: Go to 765 Comm. Ave. 那裏是Law Building, 在那裏又有一個clue! Lawyers fight for ____2___ice. Answer: Justice! For the next clue: No one can sail or canoe because it's frozen. Cross the Bridge of Terabithia to get to the first lamp on the left. 然後我們就跨過橋, 去river bank 上面找clue! You can tell the ___4___ becuse captain Hook's alarm clock is in the croc's stomach! Go to the next lamp... Answer: time!
下一個clue 是: Are you getting sick of ____5___ for clues? Answer: looking. Next clue: the BU Castle (225 Bay State) is haunted. 到了之後找到了clue: This castle is haunted by the Adams Famly. Wedensday and Pugsleys' cousins name is ___7___. Answer: it! for the next clue: you don't like your own bed. You prefer the one in 1416. 繞了一圈後, 我又回到了warren towers, 到了Erin的房間. 因為他的床很舒服, 所以我每次都在那邊睡午覺. Clue: Erin's bed is like a LAND where you NEVER grow-up (clue 6). NOW: Go to 1423...something incredible is waiting for you! 我回去一看他們把我房間布置了起來! 所以最後拼出來的是: Yu just spent your time looking for Neverland, when it has always been in your heart! Cheesey! 哈哈哈 超級可愛的! 然後我再我的mailbox裡找到一封他們兩個寫的信, 有點白癡但是很可愛, 很用心. 後來我趕去一個COM的team meeting, 然後跟他們meet了一下, 可是他們很沒有創意, 讓我不爽地回到了宿舍. 接著我室友很可以衝出去說要上廁所, 我也去了可是沒看到他, 回到我房間後看到大家都在裡面, 唱生日快樂!! 有 Aanch, Allie, Andrea, Erin, Jess, and Shubha! 看我超酷的Incredibles蛋糕! 超好吃的!
大家都給了我很可愛的禮物, 又很好笑. Allie幫我定的禮物還沒寄到, 所以她買了一個代替的, 是糖果跟牙刷. 牙刷是因為昨天晚上打水仗的時候我正在刷牙, 不小心被他打掉了哈哈.然後Jess送我一個超好笑的卡片, 跟一雙Spongebob的可愛室內拖鞋. Erin也是給了我一堆很妙的東西! 總而言之, 過一個快樂的生日!還有大家在Facebook上祝我生日快樂也很開心, 雖然有一大半的人都跟我只是acquientence而已, 不過還是開心!!!
回覆刪除haha hello deary. i didnt fully understand this, but its awesome that you wrote a blog about shubs and my coolness lol. i duno what your email add is so i cant contact you cause fucking china blocked fb... w.t.f?! LOVE xx