因為上個周末去了Greensboro, 所以感覺沒有休息到, 所以這個禮拜好累喔
18號: Accounting quiz, office hours at work, meeting with team for AdClub, meeting with professor, dinner with mason, Shutter Island at Harvard Square, ITASA registration at MIT
19號: ITASA from 9 am to 12 am ish
20號: ITASA from 9 to 12 am ish
21號: do my English essay, do response log, study for English midterm, study for accounting midterm, search for internships, polish cover letter and resume, 帶人看房子, 買groceries
22號: English paper due, 去辦法國簽證, 讀accounting跟english, ae meeting, ck meeting
24號: accounting midterm
26號: english midterm......and then i'm DONE!!!!!
然後俺要好好的犒賞自己!!! 26號去shopping, 27號 去Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science!! 然後就是我的生日了耶 O___O 天啊不想變老! 然後 巴黎, 我來了!!!
P.S. 發現我的中文寫作能力跟詞語都退步超多的....要進步!!
P.P.S. 感覺英文也退步了. 倒是我的Chinglish進步了不少, 越來越順了...糟糕