Language: German
Alternative Name: Kirschblüten - Hanami (or Cherry Blossoms)
昨天晚上凌晨1點開始看這部電影, 感觸很深.
Do you ever truly know our loved ones?
What are their passions?
Who are they, as people, beyond perceptions of just mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, uncles, or aunts?
What they have sacrificed, to be parents, children, or relatives?
Which do you know, of their impermanent selves?
Did you know any?
What are you willing to do to find out?
why can't i see the rest of this post beyond "昨天晚上凌晨1點開始看這部電影"?? lol
回覆刪除did i tell you that i finally watched it!!
回覆刪除hahaha it was pretty gan dong! i teared up for the grandpa :'(
bugbug ihave always wanted to see this :( but i dun have it. whoa..this post is like half a yr ago..ok XD